
Our research can be divided into several topic areas.

1. Theory of machine learning through the lens of symmetry including generalization and approximation error for equivariant neural networks, study of approximate and extrinsic symmetry in deep learning, symmetries of neural network parameters spaces and their effects on optimization, structure of equivariant neural networks.

2. design of equivariant neural networks for scientific and engineering applications including fluid dynamics, radar signal processing, astrophysical simulation, radar signal processing, and materials and thin films.

3. Equivariant methods for deep reinforcement learning with an emphasis on robotic learning and perception. Our goal are sample efficient algorithms for real world robot learning.

4. Design models with can utilize approximate and unknown symmetry. These include symmetry discovery methods, relaxed equivariant methods, applications of equivariant models in cases of extrinsic symmetry, and methods which can learn group actions in cases of latent symmetry.

Selected Publications


  1. TMLR 2024 Project Image
    Fast and Expressive Gesture Recognition using a Combination-Homomorphic Electromyogram Encoder
    Transactions on Machine Learning Research


  1. ICLR 2024 Project Image
    Fourier Transporter: Bi-Equivariant Robotic Manipulation in 3D
    The International Conference on Learning Representations 2024


  1. IJRR 2024 Project Image
    Leveraging Symmetries in Pick and Place
    The International Journal of Robotics Research, Volume 43, Issue 4, 2024


  1. NeurIPS 2023 Project Image
    Modeling Dynamics over Meshes with Gauge Equivariant Nonlinear Message Passing
    Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2023


  1. NeurIPS 2023 Project Image
    A General Theory of Correct, Incorrect, and Extrinsic Equivariance
    Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2023


  1. ICLR 2023 Project Image
    The Surprising Effectiveness of Equivariant Models in Domains with Latent Symmetry
    International Conference on Learning Representations 2023


  1. ICRA 2023 Project Image
    SEIL: Simulation-augmented Equivariant Imitation Learning
    International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2023


  1. ICRA 2022 Project Image
    Edge Grasp Network: Graph-Based SE(3)-invariant Approach to Grasp Detection
    International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2023


  1. ICML 2022 Project Image
    Learning Symmetric Embedding Networks for Equivariant World Models
    We propose learning symmetric embedding networks (SENs) for input spaces where we do not know the effects of symmetry transformations, to a feature space where the transformation is known. This network can be combined with downstream task-specific equivariant networks and trained end-to-end in latent space. SENs can extend the applicability of equivariant networks to a wider variety of domains.


  1. PMLR Vol. 197 Project Image
    Image to Icosahedral Projection for SO(3) Object Reasoning from Single-View Images
    We develop a hybrid equivariant model that incorporates SO(2) and SO(3) equivariant convolution layers to improve 3D reasoning from 2D images. Our method outperforms baselines on shape classification and pose prediction tasks, especially in the low-data regime.


  1. RLDM 2022 Project Image
    Understanding the Mechanism behind Data Augmentation's Success on Image-based RL
    Data augmentation is known to provide substantial benefits for image-based reinforcement learning (RL) but the mechanism is not clear. We show that data augmentation increases both the equivariance and invariance of the convolutional encoder, e.g. the feature map is spatially smooth. We show that a simple Gaussian blur operation can achieve the same effect for some of the tested environments.


  1. ICLR 2022 Project Image
    SO(2)-Equivariant Reinforcement Learning
    International Conference on Learning Representations 2022


  1. RSS 2022 Project Image
    Equivariant Transporter Network
    Robotics: Science and Systems 2022


  1. CoRL 2022 Project Image
    On-Robot Learning With Equivariant Models
    Conference on Robot Learning 2022


  1. CoRL 2021 Project Image
    Equivariant Q Learning in Spatial Action Spaces
    Conference on Robot Learning 2021