Robin Walters

Robin Walters

Assistant Professor

Khoury College of Computer Sciences

Northeastern University

Hi! I'm an Assistant Professor of computer science at Northeastern University and director of the Geometric Learning Lab. My research is on symmetry in deep learning.

Our research spans from theory of deep learning through the lens of symmetry to development of new equivariant models to applications of equivariant neural networks to a diverse set of applications in science and engineering.

We are recruiting 2 new Ph.D. students next year! Please email me and apply to the central Khoury Ph.D. application portal.


Paper on using homomorphic structure for rapid calibration of EMG devices accepted to TMLR
We are giving a tutorial at AI in Action on Everyday Robotics
Thanks to EAI Institute> for Seed funding with Peter Schindler to develop generative models for novel catalysts.
Check out this news article on GLL Undergrad Neel Sortur.
Talking at Boston Dynamics AI Institute.
I'll be giving a talk at the Open Neighborhood Seminar in the Harvard Math Department on Feb 7 at 4:30pm
2 papers accepted to ICLR 2024:
(Oral) Improving Convergence and Generalization Using Parameter Symmetries
Fourier Transporter: Bi-Equivariant Robotic Manipulation in 3D
4 papers accepted to NeurIPS:
1. A General Theory of Correct, Incorrect, and Extrinsic Equivariance
2. Modeling Dynamics over Meshes with Gauge Equivariant Nonlinear Message Passing
3. Equivariant Single View Pose Prediction Via Induced and Restricted Representations
4. Topological Obstructions and How to Avoid Them
We had a very successful Boston Symmetry Day with over 100 attendees from 30 different institutions!
Our paper on modeling radar using equivariant neural networks was accepted to NeurReps proceedings tracks.
See our labs work in progress at NeurReps, UniReps, AI4Science, and Learning on Graphs workshop where we present 8 different extended abstracts.
I'll be giving a talk at AstroAI at the Harvard-Smithsonian CfA on Jan 29, at 12PM
Talk at GATech AI/ML in Physics 2023 .
Colloquium at Rutgers University Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering .
Talk at Widely Applied Mathematics Seminar at Harvard SEAS .
Presented our work at Simon's Foundation Mathematical and Scientific Foundations of Deep Learning Annual Meeting. Part of our Scale-MoDL NSF Grant.
Awarded NSF FRR grant with Robert Platt.
Show older updates
Awarded Line Grant to collaborate with Rajmonda Caceres at MITLL and study radar signal processing with equivariant NN.
Honored to serve as AC for Learning on Graphs (LOG) 2024.
Honored to serve as AC for ICLR 2024.
Talk on Simulating Radar with ENNs at Graph Ex Symposium.
Talk and Tutorial at AIFAI summer school and workshop.
Talk at Umass Amherst Math department.
Talk at Michigan state masters.
Paper accepted ICML - Generative adversarial symmetry discovery.
Paper accepted at CorL.
Master student Sumukh graduates with Khoury Research Award.
Undergrad student Neel wins PEAK Research Award.
More details can be found in my CV.